Carnivalizing Psychometry: an evening of critical-creative reconstruction
Carnivalizing Psychometry: an evening of critical-creative reconstruction
organized by Carmen Dell'AversanoMikhail Bakhtin’s theory of the carnival posits it as the
locus where the assumptions and practices of dominant culture and of everyday life are
subverted and liberated through laughter. The principles and techniques of the Bachtinian
carnivalesque (much like those of PCP) can be applied to an infinite variety of situations
and objects; this application invariably generates a new vision and new relationships, both
radically critical and refreshingly creative.
Tonight we will experience together an opportunity for a
carnivalizing reconstruction of one of the basic, but also of the most fraught, practices of
psychology: psychometric assessment. We will have an opportunity to take part in
carnivalized versions of several psychological tests (from the infamous Rorschach to our own
Resistance to change grid); this experience should facilitate new ways of construing the
tests, the experience of taking them, the relationship between the test subject and the
person administering the test, as well as the tests’ outcomes and, consequently, the entity
they are supposed to throw light on, the individual personality.